The Management Approach on Governance
First Gen understands the importance of good corporate governance in fostering the Company’s long-term success and securing sustained competitiveness in the energy industry. The Company remains steadfast in its commitment to finding resilient and regenerative solutions to mitigate the worsening effects of climate change. First Gen ensures that it strictly complies with corporate governance regulations and continuously improves its corporate governance structures to comply with and even perform beyond global best practices. The Company’s governance structure is detailed in its Manual on Corporate Governance, available on the Company’s website. Details of the Company’s governance practices are found in its Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report, which is likewise posted on the Company’s website.
First Gen’s approach to corporate governance is guided by the Lopez Values, adherence to the SEC’s issuances on governance, respect for human rights, and our commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) safeguard principles. Our structure, policies, programs, and protocols ensure the following:
- Full compliance with local regulations and international conventions signed by the country and relevant to our operations;
- Balanced emphasis on financial and non-financial aspects of the Company’s business strategy, operations and performance to achieve short- and long-term goals
- Creation of an environment that will protect the rights and allow equal treatment of all stakeholders;
- Sufficient controls that ensure effective management oversight within a culture of honesty and accountability throughout the organization; and
- Robust stakeholder engagement with timely disclosure of relevant information and the installation of necessary feedback mechanisms.
Creating Value Through Governance
Through the Company’s governance framework, the Company is able to ensure the proper implementation of its value creation aspirations. The illustration below shows how the Company’s strategic objectives are aligned with and support its mission of forging a collaborative pathway for a decarbonized and regenerative future. A more detailed discussion of the foregoing is provided in Our Value Creation Story section on page 58.
Governance Structure
The Company’s governance system plays an important role in identifying the Company’s strategic direction. Guided by the Company’s Mission, Purpose and Chosen Path, the Company’s Board of Directors and Senior Management annually hold planning sessions to assess and identify the overall strategies, capabilities, goals, and direction of the Company. Among the topics discussed during said planning sessions are sustainability, regeneration and decarbonization. The Company’s strategic objectives, such as those discussed in the Our Value Creation Story section, are identified through these sessions. Outcomes of the Company’s initiatives relative to its objectives are likewise discussed in said section.
The Company relies on decision-making groups that are tasked to provide guidance in identifying and addressing material issues, which may have a significant impact on the Company. To ensure that these groups are properly equipped to provide solutions and make decisions in the organization’s best interests, the Company has in place a collaborative process for effective information exchange and productive consultation. At the initial stage, operating groups are responsible for determining material issues that have to be raised to these decision-making bodies. Once a decision has been made, these are cascaded through the following process: